Birkdale Rise

To discharge engineering-related Reserved Matters and prepare detailed tender and construction drawing packs for a residential development of 100 units with 14 dwelling types ranging from one to five bedrooms on a 5.2-hectare greenfield site, which had outline planning permission
We are providing on and off-site civil engineering design – highways, drainage, flood risk assessment, with a view to gaining Sectional Agreements (S106, S104, S38 and S278).
As the project progressed, it became apparent that the proposed Highways England’s improvement works to the A12 affected the north of the site – as a result, the number of dwellings was reduced, and noise barriers were included in the scheme.
Parking surveys were undertaken to assess whether vehicles arriving during construction could be accommodated without affecting the surrounding areas. This was shown to be the case and was used to consult with the local parish on the proposals which later formed part of a temporary traffic regulation order application in order to protect the site’s access and affected nearby residents.
Drainage to the site for both surface and foul water will flow by gravity to a pump station at the bottom of the site with rising mains to discharge to nearby public sewers. The latter run across the site and the design levels and layout have been set to provide sufficient clearance and avoid the easements.
The team has enjoyed identifying solutions that work first time, gaining acceptance from the appropriate statutory bodies and responding promptly to any client requests.
Unanimous approval at planning committee for Reserved Matters for 100 homes was given. Detailed tender and construction drawing packs are being prepared; and, once construction is underway, Robert West Consulting will provide on-site construction support.