Dartford GSK


Ward Homes were considering purchase of a large site in Dartford which had outline planning consent for 1,000 homes and a mix of uses for the new residential community. Robert West was asked to provide due diligence advice and a strategy to obtain Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 and BREEAM excellent for the site as these were subject of reserved matters. Additionally, Robert West was asked to provide engineering advice in support of the master planning process for the site which was used to feed into the Ward Homes development appraisal.  


The two elements of the brief were brought together to bring clear focus to the engineering and environmental matters that Ward Homes required to be resolved with the vendor prior to exchange and in the future regarding the master planning of the development were the sale to go ahead.


An engineering and environmental appraisal of the proposed development to identify the associated issues in developing proposals for planning and delivery. The deliverables included a risk register and due diligence report.

A strategy to demonstrate how Ward Homes would be able to achieve Code 4 and BREEAM excellent ratings and to allow Ward Homes to understand the potential cost associated with discharging associated conditions and inform the sale agreement.

Engineering solutions associated with ground modelling, foundations, highway layouts, external works, flood regime and compensation requirements, storm drainage system, vehicle access points and assessment of utility requirements and capacity.