The Green School for boys
Robert West’s brief was to provide transport planning and highway advice for the re-development of a site located in Isleworth in the London Borough of Hounslow for the new Green School for Boys – a five form entry secondary school and sixth form for up to 900 pupils.
To allow the new school to open in September 2017 temporary school accommodation for up to 300 pupils for two years has been provided while a permanent building would be constructed.
Robert West have been responsible for producing Transport Assessment, School Travel Plan, Delivery and Servicing Plan, PERS and CERS audits for the temporary site and for discharging planning conditions. Robert West subsequently produced off-site highway works design for a proposed signalised crossing and detailed modelling work to support the proposal. Finally, we liaised with stakeholder negotiation with the highway authority, Transport for London, the school trust and design team.
The development is low-car for staff only with no drop-off/pick up facilities provided, except for parking for those with mobility impairments. The location is in a heavily parked area near a busy junction and bounded by a Grade II listed wall.
Robert West played an integral role in optioneering multiple pedestrian site access solutions such that any impact on pedestrian safety could be balanced against the heritage impact on the listed wall. Extensive liaison with the highway authority and the school trust also took place to identify additional travel demand management measures to reduce the number of pupils exiting the school at once and supervision of the crossing activities on nearby roads.
The Transport Assessment has provided robust evidence to confirm that, with the mitigation strategy in place, the proposed development would not have any negative impacts on transport, highways and safety grounds. In particular, the Transport Assessment has demonstrated that: the Busch Corner junction with the proposed new controlled crossing will continue to work similarly as currently; after encouraging park and stride, car sharing and mode shift towards sustainable modes, the generated parking demand can be accommodated within the existing on-street residual parking capacity. The identified mitigation strategy included: physical on-site (cycle parking provision) and off-site measures (new crossing and widening of the London Road footway); pupils travel demand management measures; delivery and servicing measures; on-site car parking measures; measures to encourage sustainable transport modes as much as possible.
Robert West successfully negotiated the transport justification for the scheme with Local Highway Officers and Transport for London: the school opened on-site in temporary accommodation in September 2017, with the application for the permanent site having received planning approval in December 2017.