Soham Station

The original railway station in Soham closed in 1965. To reconnect the town of Soham to the rail network and to provide essential infrastructure for the growth in new local housing, proposals for a new station were made. Robert West were the Lead and Multi-Discipline Designers for GRIP Stage 4.
The new station will be an unmanned station, with platforms constructed using modular polystyrene and based on a sand bed. Phase 1 is a single platform which will include two waiting shelters, lighting, information screens and a public address system. In addition, a public footbridge will be built to maintain access for residents to the countryside and to improve user safety, through the removal of the current level crossing. A drop off point and car park will be constructed, plus cycle parking on the station forecourt.
Robert West provided a multi-disciplined response which included the design of:
- Track alignment modifications
- Re-positioning of signalling
- Car park, access road and parking infrastructure
- Transport Statement for submission to the local authority.
The project met the high standards of European Technical Specification for Interoperability.
To prevent any surface water from overloading the existing drainage system, controls were put in place by use of a sustainable urban drainage model. This involved ensuring that the drainage from the access to the train station, car park and the hardstanding in surrounding areas flowed via petrol interceptors which collect oil and contaminants before being stored in cellular storage crates, stacked upon one another, wrapped in a membrane and finally released clean into Soham Lode.
Working closely and collaboratively with our client and going the extra mile meant that we were able to bring this stage of the project to a successful conclusion with the appropriate consents gained and outline design completed.