Catteshall Lane


Robert West was engaged by Crest Nicholson to provide preliminary highway and drainage design for the housing development of 100 new dwellings in Godalming, Surrey.


Robert West reviewed the existing structures on site and provided structural advice about how the demolition should be undertaken in order to avoid compromising the existing retaining structures, the highway network and the ambulance building which is remaining.

A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and drainage strategy was produced.  This included the preliminary design of the new highway network including a new road for adoption under Section 38 and the re-development of access to the site under Section 278.

Liaison with Thames Water, the Environment Agency and Lead Local Flood Authority was undertaken to agree the discharge rate from the development in order to design the Sustainable Urban Drainage system elements within the site. 

The preliminary highways design on the site considered the design parameters for an adoptable standard. This gave the required information for the finish floor levels of the dwellings and the assessment of additional retaining structures.

Finally, the car parking areas were assessed for structural design and vehicle tracking.  A Technical Note was prepared regarding the podiums above the underground car park.


The scheme is currently progressing through the planning process with the outcome expected later this year.