Land East of Billinghurst
The design of primary infrastructure for a 450-unit residential development, including 1.1km of primary distribution road linking the A29 roundabout to a proposed roundabout on the A272 east of Billingshurst. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) and foul drainage networks, and public open space were also incorporated into our design package.
Robert West have responsibility for discharge of all reserved matters for the development and are responsible for obtaining technical approval for highway works as part of the Section 278 Agreement. All designs are required to be carried out in accordance with the outline planning consent for the development and associated Section 106 Agreement.
With the potential for a future linkage to a bypass road a two-stage highways design has been proposed by Robert West. The first section with a higher speed limit meeting the CMRB standards to enable the possible future linkage and a second section meeting the Manual for Streets standards with a winding road at lower speed to give access to the development plots. This includes a roundabout which has involved lowering the road, statistical and ecology research.
Due to site constraints, a number of departures are proposed. As an example, the proposal included departures in relation to horizontal curves and stopping sight distance for reasons associated with retention of mature trees and supporting the economic viability of the development.This was justified on the basis that it would encourage traffic to reduce speed on the link, by giving drivers the impression of constraint. This and the junctions encountered by drivers would cause altered speed perception and give added safety for all road users. The design achieved acceptable standards in relation to vertical curvature and visibility from junctions to the main link. Super-elevation of 5% was incorporated along with a gateway feature to warn drivers and appropriate street lighting.
We are awaiting successful sign off of the design for Section 278, 108 and 34 approvals in order to proceed into construction and releasing development packages.